Friday, 27 May 2016

Olubunmi Akinyemi - Tips For Running A Project Effectively

In addition to being a business owner, Olubunmi Akinyemi is also a graduate of George Washington University, having taken an advanced degree in Project Management at the institution. Running a project, regardless of its size, can often be difficult for those who have no experience, so try to keep the below in mind to stand the best chance of achieving success.

Get To Know Your Team
Your team members are going to prove vital if the project is going to be a success, so try to be more than a faceless entity barking orders at them. Get to know your team members as individuals, as far as professionalism allows, as this will help you to determine what motivates them to work hard and what talents they bring to the project.

Create Goals And Milestones
No project should ever be started without having a clear goal in mind and good project managers know that creating milestones that must be reached in order to achieve the end goal is vital. This allows you to structure the work that your team does on the project, ensuring that everybody understands their roles and gets the tasks assigned to them done on time.

Olubunmi Akinyemi came to understand the importance of detailed and comprehensive analysis while studying at college. Not only does analyzing your project help you to figure out ways to make things more efficient, but it also allows you to keep track of each team member’s level of productivity. Furthermore, analysis of failed projects will allow you to identify mistakes that can be avoided in the future.